They say that MLM in the USA is over worked! Do you know what the number one thing is when it comes to choosing a network marketing company to join? Most people think they know, and 99% of the time they’re wrong. |
Timing the market, innovative products, and compensation plans are vitally important, but the number one thing that makes a network marketing company successful, and more importantly – what will be vital in making you successful are the leaders of the company. |
Hopefully most MLM companies have experienced leaders... and Luckily with Agel, the ownership and corporate leaders are about as strong as they come. |
Agel Founder and CEO, Glen Jensen – the man who brilliantly envisioned the innovative Agel gelceutical product-line – has had over 20years of experience in the network marketing industry. Glen worked his way up the ladder with integrity and work ethic, beginning as a customer service rep, rising to international sales, and on through to an executive position. He’s known as a gifted business visionary, having his finger on the trigger of what people want, and how to bring that to fruition. |
Co-Founder and President, Craig Bradley is the Right hand of Glen Jensen. Craig himself has gained over 20 years of successful accomplishments in the industry. Craig’s experience and wisdom with running a network marketing company plays nicely to Glen’s strengths and so Agel has become a well oiled machine, building a momentum that’s rare in and of itself. You will notice this at an Agel International convention such as they had in SLC, UT held in the Salt Palace in September 2009.
Executives of Agel excell at their job. Working along side Glen and Craig is a powerhouse team of Executives and Vice Presidents that have worked together to keep Agel as a force to be reckoned with. |
Record breaking growth! Rarely has so young a company been able to assemble the right combination of talent and skills to successfully launch in over 55 countries and working on another 4 as we speak! |
Super Nutritional products and an easy way to share the business opportunity with others -- Just as importantly are the field leaders at the top who are successful in the industry…who know this business inside out…who have made millions themselves in the industry… and who have amazing systems in place that are duplicable on down the line and now a part of Agel. |
Why is this process so important? Because these are the people who are there to train you in success! |
Distributors are finding this Agel opportunity is easy to share. When Agel’s innovative product line, revolutionary compensation plan, and rarely found leadership became known, successful veteran network marketers began to come out of the wood works and get on board with the greatest new company born to the industry…. |
In the USA, One dynamic team… Ann and David Feinstein – extremely successful veterans with 21 + years in the industry has come on board with a huge bang. Ann and David are both by nature achievers in life, having brilliantly successful corporate and entrepreneurial careers even before venturing into network marketing. However, though they were gracious for their success in the corporate business world, they weren’t satisfied with their lifestyle, where their time was hardly their own.They’ve since changed all that, and achieved greatness in network marketing with one other company they committed to for 18 years before seeing the dynamite opportunity, timing, and innovative product line that Agel has provided them. They hosted wonderful training at the Salt Palace Agel International Convention in September 2009.
Ann and David Feinstein are shaking things up with Agel now as Double Diamond Directors, and people are clamoring to see what all-the-buzz is about behind these brilliant leaders with an organization that’s already expanded to 55+ global markets. Ann now serves on Agel’s Leadership Advisory Board as well. |
Millionaire and published writer, MLM - networker trainer veteran of the industry, Randy Gage, actually came out of a five year retirement to join Agel. Randy, a legend in the field who’s very likely responsible for training more successful network marketers than anyone else alive, searched and sifted through hundreds of companies before choosing Agel. |
You have a great team to work with! There’s really no other chance in the world to be able to work along side a greater team of leaders than with Agel Enterprises right now!
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